Thursday, January 29, 2009

Well I lied...

I only have five WOW facts, haha. But I just came up with a sixth. They are as follows.

Book advances go from $100 to $1 million+
Royalties (% of income author recieves): Trade Paperbacks 6 to 8%, Mass Market Paperbacks 6-10%, Hardbacks 10-15%
Literary Agents can improve your publishing deal by 10%
One example of a good editor deal is $25/hr. (ahhh!)
When the publisher sends you the first published copy of your book it's important to check over the cover, jacket, spine, margins, etc. for errors the publisher may have made (they will happen!)
People will "judge your book by its cover" and especially if you are a first time author, an eye catching cover is essential for more readers/buyers.

I will keep my eyes open for more "Did you know" facts as I look over my initial 10 websites and begin to work on my Webliography.

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