Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Under the Weather

I'm not feeling too hot today and I wasn't able to make it to school. It's unfortunate, but I was able to do a little research on my topic anyways. In other words, I found I few more web pages I want to look at but it's not much. It's hard to work when your sick. Most of the pages are from a publishing company called Book Pros. or something like that. Never heard of it, so I'm being cautious. Additionally, the guidelines for book editing and publishing given by Book Pros. is very specific to their company. I was looking for something more general, just to get started with anyways. I'll look for specifics when I actually get into the task of looking for a publisher.

I got the Essential Question Chart in my email, which was gone over today in class. I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it, so I'm leaving it alone for now. I'll find out soon enough.

Down the road I'm thinking about talking to Ms. Johnson about book writing and publishing. I know she has gotten at least one of her books published. What could be better than talking to someone who has done it before and knows the ropes? I'm sure she'd have no problem with it but we'll see.

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