Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Back in Action

I haven't posted in a while...PSSA Testing and Internet problems...but it's all good now. I've finished reading through and taking notes on my first source and am moving onto my second (Putting Your Passion Into Print).

I am conflicted. I had a crazy bout of inspiration the other day with another story I am writing and I really like where it is going. It's a lot more completed than the one I'm writing with Vicky. I'm not giving up our the story but I'm not quite sure she'll be around to help me with it. Writing and perfecting our story takes time and I can't do it without her because then it becomes mine, not hers. She's been very busy lately with her boyfriend, scholarship applications, etc. She is going to college in the fall and she's going to want to prepare for that, so we have a very limited time.

Regardless of what choice I make, I'm working on both. Should I switch the stories I use? Or should this be a decision I make later on based on the progress made for each manuscript? Any suggestions?

errr...I'm going to have to talk to Vicky about this. I don't think she'll care, since it is my graduation project.

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