Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Beginning

To be honest, I have heard a lot of bad things about Graduation Project and because of that I've been dreading it for years. Working with students from all grades on the Tech Repair Team invites a lot of complaint about classwork and teachers. Ever since I've started, all the seniors have complained about grad project and how stressing it is. Even though they put a lot of time and effort into their work, they still got unsatisfactory grades. Initially, I didn't know that you could do a project on just about anything you wanted, as long as it wasn't too general, broad or explicit.

Until recently I never really knew what I wanted to do for grad project. I've thought about learning how to play the piano, as it is something I've always wanted to do, but what would be much more appropriate for my interests would be to write a book. I've been working on several manuscripts for years, but I've never been thoroughly satisfied with them. I want to be able to finish a manuscript and get it published (or at least try to). I may write the book single-handed or co-write it with my best friend, who also has a passion for writing.

What I'm the most concerned about is how we are graded and how we prepare for a presentation that is 40 minutes long. Do you have to talk for all 40 minutes? How harsh is our presentation graded? Can a panel member fail you just because they don't like your topic? A friend said she got a really bad grade from the panel because they didn't like her religion topic. It sounds ridiculous and I hope she was just being melodramatic.

1 comment:

  1. Great question desiree,
    those are things i haven't even really
    taken into thought. I hope you do well your topic sounds great. :)
